
Area Address Project legal

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Area Address Project legal

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Area Address Project legal

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Area Address Project legal

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My Phuoc - Tan Van land

My Phuoc - Tan Van land

Area 3ha Address Thuan An City, Binh Duong Province Project legal No project has been created

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Housing project in Phu Giao district, Binh Duong

Housing project in Phu Giao district, Binh Duong

Area 70ha Address Phu Giao District, Binh Duong Province Project legal 1/500 plan approval

Transfer of company shares

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The commercial-apartment complex project in Thuan An

The commercial-apartment complex project in Thuan An

Area 1ha Address Thuan An City, Binh Duong Province Project legal 1/500 plan approval

Transfer of company shares

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